New Flying Competition 2025

Competition Announcements

The registration phase is over! We look forward to welcoming these teams to the NFC25.
Team Name Country University
Monash Uncrewed Aerial Systems
Monash University
Hermes NTUA
National Technical University of Athens
Chalmers University of Technology
Monterrey Institute of Technology and Higher Education
University of Belgrade
University of Glasgow
Von Karman Aerospace
National Polytechnic Institute
Istanbul Technical University
KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Northwestern Polytecnical University
National Technological Institute of Mexico
Wrocław University of Science and Technology
Finally we can proudly announce the fifth NEW FLYING COMPETITION!

This time the NFC25 is dedicated to the topic of environmentally friendly flying. The participating aircraft should be characterized by two core aspects in order to provide relevant solutions for aviation. Firstly, efficient aircraft with electric propulsion systems should be developed and secondly, the aircraft should have a
large payload volume. For manned aviation, this volume could represent passengers or large hydrogen t anks, for example. Both are characterized by a high volume rather than a high load.
The aim of the NFC25 is to allow as many teams as possible to participate and to encourage a wide variety of aircraft concepts and configurations. For this reason, there are only a few restrictive requirements in the task definition. For example, the aircraft configuration, the aircraft size and the geometry and mass of the payload can be chosen freely.


We will answer frequently asked questions here. If you have a question, please check this section first to see if it has already been answered. If not, you can send us an e-mail with your question:

Proof of knowledge (pilot license)

What proof must a team / pilot have to meet the legal requirements for flying an aircraft in a competition?

The pilot must have a „proof of knowledge“ and insurance is required for the aircraft. Below is a recommendation for a proof of knowledge that meets the legal requirements. There are also other providers from whom proof of knowledge can be obtained. In this case, the teams themselves are responsible for ensuring that the certificate meets the requirements. A recommendation for insurance will follow in the next few days.

The online course from the DMFV (one of the largest model flying associations in Germany) is recommended for obtaining the proof of knowledge. To obtain the certificate, you must register with the DMFV and complete an online course with a final test. The course can be completed independently online and is available in English. At the end of the course you can download the certificate as a PDF. There is a one-off cost of €25 for the course. The following link will take you to the DMFV website. There you will find the course and more detailed information about the certificate.


1) Where will the participants be accommodated during the competition?
2) Do the starting and member fees include accommodation costs?

1) Each team is responsible for arranging its own accommodation. The NFC organization team is currently working on a recommendation for an accommodation. In this context, it might be possible that we get a volume discount / sponsoring for the recommended accommodation. These issues are currently still in progress and we cannot guarantee anything. We will be able to give you more detailed information by Christmas.
2) The costs for accommodation are not included in the starting or member fees.


1) Is it allowed to connect multiple individual batteries for the propulsion battery pack for our aircraft?
2) Is it allowed to use different propulsion battery pack configurations for maneuver flights and for endurance flight?
3) Is it allowed to use batteries of different capacities, number of cells and voltages in battery packs for maneuver flights and endurance flights?

1) Yes
2) No
3) No

Safety switch

Are there any specific requirements in terms of the operation of this switch? Does it need to be a toggle (flip-flop) switch, or can it be a button that latches when pressed and reset via twisting?

Any physical switch is possible. There are no further requirements than in the competition task.

Hovering of VTOL capable aircarft and thrust vectoring

Is hovering allowed (e.g. for VTOL capable aircraft) during minimum speed flight? If not, is thrust vectoring allowed?

The hovering capability of VTOLs is only allowed for starting and landing. Thrust vectoring is allowed.

Starting point of flightmaneuvers

Do the individual flight maneuvers start immediately as soon as the required altitude of 100-110m is reached?

No, you have some tome before you need to start the maneuver. You can start when you are ready, but keep in mind that the flight area is limited and the turn before the maneuver, the maneuver itself and the turn after it must be within one lenght of the allowed area.

2.4 Ghz frequency band

Is the 2.4 GHz frequency band deliberately not on the list of permitted frequencies?

Yes, we have reserved the 2.4 GHz frequency band for our communication with the data logger. We know that some of you would have liked to use this frequency band to reuse existing hardware. We considered other frequency bands for communication with the data logger, but the 2.4 GHz band was the only viable option for us.

List of team members at registration

Can new members join the team after registration?

Yes, new team members can join the team after registration. Until the member fee is paid (April 30, 2025), the team list can be adjusted as needed.

Autonomous flying (NFC competition task - section 4.2.7)

1) What exactly is „autonomous flying“ as prohibited by the rules here?

2) Is it allowed to control the aircraft from a ground station using a GUI to perform certain maneuvers (rather than „hand-flying“ them)? For example, clicking a button that will make the aircraft perform the high-G maneuver then return to level flight.

3) Is it allowed to enter waypoints into the GUI for the aircraft to fly to, rather than ‚hand-flying‘ the aircraft there? For example, entering a flight path into a GUI that the aircraft will then fly by itself.

1) An aircraft is flying autonomous if there are no inputs from the pilot or a predefined flight route needed. In other words: „The plane makes its own decisions.“ A „free“ flight from waypoint to waypoint is allowed if the behavior of the aircraft is predefined in the flight controller. Please contact us if you are not sure whether your method falls into the autonomous flying category.

2) and 3) The mentioned points fall under automatic flying and are therefore permitted. In case 3) consult the organizing team about the route before the competition starts.

Involvement of sponsors

To what extent may sponsors / supporters participate in the manufacturing of the aircraft?

The structural and aerodynamic components must be manufactured by each team itself. The same applies to the final assembly of the aircarft. There are no restrictions on the involvement of sponsors regarding the wiring looms, for example.


Competition Task v1.4 (.pdf)

Rules of the New Flying Competition (.pdf)

Scoring Calculator (.xlsx)

PDR Example